University Professorships Committee
University Professorships Committee
The committee shall review nominations for alumni professorships, University professorships, and other professorships as needed and shall make recommendations to the president about appointments to these positions based on the nominees’ contributions to the University’s mission.
The University Professorships Committee shall be composed of 7 members:
Faculty (Six faculty shall consist of):
Three faculty who are current or former alumni professors and,
three faculty who are current or former chaired professors other than alumni professors
Provost or designee as Chair
Name | Department | Term Exp. |
George Flowers, Chair |
Provost's designee as Chair | Continuing - Ex-officio |
College of Forestry, Wildlife, and the Environment | 2025 | |
Physics | 2025 | |
Human Development and Family Sciences | 2026 | |
Psychological Sciences | 2026 | |
Ag Econ. and Rural Sociology | 2027 | |
Kinesiology | 2027 |