Central Unit Allocations Committee
Central Unit Allocations Committee
The committee will promote collaboration between academic and central support units, clarify expected service levels by the central units, and evaluate the funding levels required to deliver those services at desired and realistic levels. For a rotating sample of central support units and as part of the annual budget development process, the committee shall evaluate central unit financial plans outlining the proposed unit budget and justifying additions or changes to service levels or fee structures. In the event that the committee is unable to approve a central unit’s financial plan, it shall refer the case to the University Budget Advisory Committee. The committee shall also review requests for waivers from contributions to central unit budgets, with the understanding that such waivers should be approved only in rare cases, and shall recommend any waiver requests it approves to the University Budget Advisory Committee for its approval. Finally, the committee shall develop annually a unified budget recommendation for all central support units and submit it to the University Budget Advisory Committee for final review and inclusion in the University-wide budget recommended for submission to the President.
The Central Unit Allocations Committee shall be composed of 21 members, 17 of whom are voting members:
Four Deans or college/school business officers
Four Faculty, Dept. Head or Chair [at least two of whom shall be academic department heads/chairs]
Two Central unit leaders or vice presidents
One Auxiliary unit leader
One Representative of Divison 3 - Ag Experiment Station
One Representative of Divison 4 - Alabama Cooperative Extension System
Ex-officio, Voting:
VP for Business and Finance, CFO (Chair of Central Unit Allocations)
Current chair, University Senate
Current Chair, Administrative and Professional Assembly
Current Chair, Student Council
Ex-officio, Non-voting:
Director, Institutional Research office
Director, Budget Office
VP, Chief Inofrmation Offcer
The committee will promote collaboration between academic and central support units, clarify expected service levels by the central units, and evaluate the funding levels required to deliver those services at desired and realistic levels. For a rotating sample of central support units and as part of the annual budget development process, the committee shall evaluate central unit financial plans outlining the proposed unit budget and justifying additions or changes to service levels or fee structures. In the event that the committee is unable to approve a central unit’s financial plan, it shall refer the case to the University Budget Advisory Committee. The committee shall also review requests for waivers from contributions to central unit budgets, with the understanding that such waivers should be approved only in rare cases, and shall recommend any waiver requests it approves to the University Budget Advisory Committee for its approval. Finally, the committee shall develop annually a unified budget recommendation for all central support units and submit it to the University Budget Advisory Committee for final review and inclusion in the University-wide budget recommended for submission to the President.
* Appointments to this committee shall be made so that no school or college has more than one appointed representative. Additionally, as far is practicable, in the appointment of deans or college business officers to this committee due consideration shall be given to the scale, range, and variety of the University's academic colleges and schools so that a diversity of perspectives may be assured.
** Chairs-elect of the three employee governance groups may participate as non-voting members in preparation for their new responsibilities.
Reporting Structure:
This committee will provide periodic updates and report to the University Budget Advisory Committee.
Name | Department | Term Exp. |
Kelli Shomaker, Chair |
SVP for Business and Administration, CFO | Continuing - Ex-officio |
Senate Chair | Continuing 2024 - Ex-officio | |
A&P Assembly Chair | Continuing 2024 - Ex-officio | |
Staff Council Chair | Continuing 2025 - Ex-officio | |
Dean, College of Forestry, Wildlife, and the Environment | 2025 | |
Dean, College of Nursing | 2025 | |
Dean, College of Architecture, Design and Construction | 2027 | |
Dean, College of Human Sciences | 2027 | |
Faculty, College of Sciences and Mathematics | 2025 | |
M Reed Prof. and Chair, Aerospace Engineering | 2026 | |
Dept. Head, Horticulture | 2027 | |
Faculty, Curriculum and Teaching | 2027 | |
Central Unit Leader or VP | 2025 | |
Central Unit Leader or VP | 2027 | |
Auxiliary Unit Leader | 2025 | |
Representative Divison - 3 | 2025 | |
Representative Division - 4 | 2025 | |
Director of Institutional Research | Continuing, Non-voting - Ex-officio | |
Director of Budget Office | Continuing, Non-voting - Ex-officio | |
VP, Chief Information Officer | Continuing, Non-voting - Ex-officio |