University Budget Advisory Committee

University Budget Advisory Committee

The committee shall review and recommend to senior leadership the comprehensive University budget submitted to the President for final approval by the Board of Trustees. In particular, the committee shall advise the University’s senior leadership on the use and strategic allocation of resources from the University’s Mission Enhancement Fund. Because the University fulfills its mission across an array of disciplines that face inherently different cost structures, the committee should develop allocation recommendations so that a portion of the Mission Enhancement Fund is used to support colleges and schools that, for structural reasons, cannot cover their own full costs, while the balance of the available funding is invested in strategic initiatives consistent with the mission and priorities of the institution. The committee shall also evaluate any central unit budget requests that are not resolved by the Central Unit Allocation Committee, recommending either a change in those budgets or in service levels or costs. At five-year intervals, the committee shall propose a Strategic Budget Model Review Task Force, appointed by the Provost and Executive Vice President, to conduct a thorough review and evaluation of all budget model components to ensure continued alignment with the University’s mission, to promote desired behaviors, and to mitigate unintended consequences. In proposing the membership and charge for each periodic task force, the committee shall bear in mind that the components to be reviewed shall include, without being limited to, the allocation method for tuition revenues, the allocation method for Division I state appropriations, the variables used to determine allocations of central unit costs, and the participation rate needed to sustain the Mission Enhancement Fund. (17 members; 13 voting members)


The Committee of University Budget Advisory shall be composed of 17 members, 13 of which are voting members:

  • Academic:

    • Four Deans

    • Four from Faculty, Dept. Heads or Chairs

  • Ex-officio, Voting:

    • Provost (Co-Chair)

    • VP for Business and Finance (Co-Chair)

    • Immediate Past Chair, University Senate

    • Immediate Past Chair, Administrative and Professional Assembly

    • Immediate Past Chair, Staff Council

  • Ex-officio, Non-voting:

    • Director, Budget Office

    • Associate Provost

    • Associate VP, Administrative Effectiveness

    • VP, Chief Information Officer 

  • Restriction:

    • No school or college may have more than one representative among the 8 academic members of this committee. Additionally, when deans are appointed to serve on the University Budget Advisory Committee, due consideration should be given to the scale, range, and variety of the University's colleges and schools so that all types of academic enterprises at that level are represented.

  • Appointments:

    • All appointments to the University Budget Advisory Committee shall be made by the President upon nomination by the Provost (for deans) and the Rules Committee of the University Senate (for faculty members). Appointments to this committee shall be made so that no college has more than one appointed representative. Additionally, as far as is practicable, in the appointment of deans and faculty members to this committee due consideration shall be given to the scale, range, and variety of the University's academic colleges so that a diversity of perspectives may be assured.

  • Meeting Frequency:

    • In addition to its own meetings, as needed, this Committee should meet three to four times a year with representative from each of the other Strategic Budgeting initiative advisory committees to receive an update on current projects and overall progress of the annual budget process.

  • Reporting Structure:

    • This Committee will prepare periodic updates and reports for submission to the President.


Name Department Term Exp.

Vini Nathan, Co-Chair

Provost and VP for Academic Affairs Ex-officio, Voting

Kelli Shomaker, Co-Chair

SVP for Business and Administration, CFO Ex-officio, Voting

Lisa Kensler

Immediate Past Chair, University Senate Ex-officio, Voting

Josh Henderson

Immediate Past Chair, Administrative and Professional Assembly Ex-officio, Voting

Tonya Hollis

Immediate Past Chair, Staff Council Ex-officio, Voting

Emmett Winn

VP, Administrative Effectiveness Ex-officio, Non-voting

Jim O'Connor

VP, Chief Information Officer Ex-officio, Non-voting

Bryan Elmore

Asst. VP, Budget Office Ex-officio, Non-voting

Norman Godwin

Associate Provost for Academic Effectiveness and Faculty Affairs Ex-officio, Non-voting

David Held

Faculty, College of Agriculture 2027


CADC - No representation this year


Harbert College of Business - No Representation this year

Ed Thomas

Dean, College of Sciences and Mathematics 2025


College of Education - No representation this year

Mario Eden

Dean, Samuel Ginn College of Engineering 2027


College of Forestry, Wildlife, and the Environment - No representation this year


College of Human Sciences - No representation this year

Melissa Blair

Chair, College of Liberal Arts 2026

George Stachokas

Faculty, Libraries 2027


College of Nursing- No representation this year

Salisa Westrick

Head, Health Outcomes Research, Harrison College of Pharmacy 2025

Calvin Johnson

Dean, College of Veterinary Medicine 2025

George Flowers

Dean, Honors College 2026