Resilience, Innovation, Sustainability And Engagement

Resilience, Innovation, Sustainability And Engagement

This committee shall be responsible for advocating for resilience, innovation, engagement, and sustainability at Auburn University.

The committee will consider sustainability across the university and with respect to the university’s impact and influence on the state and beyond. It shall communicate feedback on current policies and offer recommendations for improvements and new initiatives to the Office of Sustainability, the Academic Sustainability Program, and to university leadership. It shall perform continuous monitoring, make regular reports, and actionable recommendations to the Senate on institutional data and assessments, seek input from faculty, staff, students and administration for sustainable initiatives, support and reward interdisciplinary sustainability research, Extension, outreach, and instruction, and encourage implementation and outcomes of sustainability initiatives in the university.


The Resilience, Innovation, Sustainability and Engagement (RISE) Committee shall be composed of: one faculty member from each academic college, one faculty member from libraries, one faculty member from Alabama Cooperative Extension System, one staff council member, one A&P member, and nine continuing/ex-officio members.

The Provost (or designee), Vice President of Research (or designee), Vice President of University Outreach (or designee), Vice President of Student Affairs (or designee), Associate Vice President of Facilities Management (or designee), Student Government Association Sustainability Representative, and Sustainability Office Director shall serve as ex-officio members of the committee.

  • Restrictions:

    • The chairperson of the committee shall be a faculty member.


Name Department Term Exp.

Chris Lepczyk, Chair

College of Forestry, Wildlife, and the Environment 2027

Allison Chung

Harrison College of Pharmacy 2025

Joan Harrell

College of Liberal Arts 2025

Jose Vasconcelos Neto

Samuel Ginn College of Engineering 2025

Laura Huber

College of Veterinary Medicine 2025

Ana Plana

College of Human Sciences 2026

Becky Barlow

College of Agriculture 2026

Chandana Mitra

College of Sciences and Mathematics 2026

Colin Gabler

Harbert College of Business 2026

Greg Schmidt

Libraries 2026

Amna Salman

College of Architecture, Design and Construction 2027

Joy DeBellis

College of Nursing 2027

Sean Forbes

College of Education 2027

Jennifer Davidson

Alabama Cooperative Extension System 2027

Kimberly McCadden

Staff Council Representative 2027

Craig Caplowitz

A&P Representative 2027

Norman Godwin

Provost (or designee) Continuing - Ex-officio

Steven Taylor

Vice-President of Research (or designee) Continuing - Ex-officio

Scott Bishop

Vice-President of University Outreach (or designee) Continuing - Ex-officio

Bobby Woodard

Vice-President of Student Affairs (or designee) Continuing - Ex-officio

Jim Carroll

Vice-President of Facilities Management (or designee) Continuing - Ex-officio

Michael Kensler

Sustainability Office Director Continuing - Ex-officio

Becki Retslaff

Academic Sustainability Program Director Continuing - Ex-officio

Lilliana Webb

Student Government Association Sustainability Representative Continuing - Ex-officio

Anjola Ogunsina

Graduate Student Council Representative Continuing - Ex-officio