

The committee shall recommend approval or disapproval of requests for undergraduate curriculum changes and changes that affect both undergraduate and graduate curricula (e.g, 5000/6000 courses, accelerated bachelor's and master's programs, etc.). In addition, the committee shall review overall curriculum patterns and course content of the instructional program other than the University Core Curriculum and shall recommend to the Senate curriculum changes needed by the University.


The Curriculum Committee shall be composed of: one faculty member from each college, one representative from the Honors College, one non-voting members from the Libraries (appointed by the Dean of the Libraries to a three-year term), and three continuing/ex-officio members. The Provost or designee as Chair, Registar or designee will serve as secretary, and Dean of the Graduate School or designee shall serve as ex-officio.


Name Department Term Exp.

Charles Bringardner, Chair

Associate Provost for Academic Affairs Continuing

Charla Crowder, Secretary

Registrars designee to serve as Secretary Continuing

George Flowers

Dean, Graduate School Continuing

Kathleen Martin

College of Agriculture 2025

Katilya Ware

College of Nursing 2025

Allison Plumb

College of Liberal Arts 2025

Geetha Thangiah

College of Human Sciences 2025

Rebecca O'Neal Dagg

College of Architecture, Design, and Construction 2026

Jennifer Panizzi

College of Veterinary Medicine 2026

Wayde Morse

College of Forestry, Wildlife, and Environment 2026

Christian Goldsmith

College of Sciences and Mathematics 2026

Suzanne Hunter

Honors College 2026

Jose Vasconcelos Neto

Samuel Ginn College of Engineering 2027

Emory Serviss

Harbert College of Business 2027

Jason McKibben

College of Education 2027

Amit Mitra

Harrison College of Pharmacy 2027

Tim Dodge

Libraries [appointed by the Dean of Libraries] Non-voting, 2027

Buckley Nettles

Undergraduate Student Representative Non-voting, 2027