January 14 Steering Minutes

AU Steering Minutes

Senate Steering Meeting

01/14/2025 | 107 Samford Hall | 3:30 PM


Present: Lori Eckhardt (Chair), Jaena Alabi (Secretary), Virginia Davis (Chair-Elect), Rachel Prado (Secretary-Elect), Lisa Kensler (Immediate Past Chair), Andrew Pendola (Rules Appointee), J. Brian Anderson (Presidential Appointee), Tom Leathem (Presidential Appointee), Vini Nathan (Provost).

Absent: L. Octavia Tripp

Special Guests: Michael Pendowski, Chair, Senate Administrator Evaluation Committee; Jim O’Connor, Chief Information Officer, Chief Information Office; Dona Yarbrough, Associate University Ombuds, Ombuds Office; Allison Batts, Senate Parliamentarian


Remarks and Announcements

Provost Nathan shared that she and President Roberts will be finalizing their updates for the Senate Meeting next week. There will likely be updates related to the Board of Trustees meeting, and acknowledgment and congratulations to an Auburn student on becoming Miss America, academic affairs items, and some personnel updates as well.

Information Items

Cybersecurity Update

Presented by Jim O’Connor

Jim O’Connor previewed his presentation on cybersecurity, focusing on the current risks to education, campus programs to mitigate risk, and what members of the university community can do to protect themselves and their colleagues. Some clarifying questions were asked and suggestions for streamlining the presentation were provided.

Ombuds Program Update

Presented by Dona Yarbrough 

Dona Yarbrough shared her presentation on the Ombuds office and its new awareness campaign aimed at undergraduates. The program seeks to spread awareness of the office and its services to undergraduate students. Some requests for more information were made, as well as some suggestions for clarifying takeaways for Senate meeting attendees. 

Action Items

Administrator Evaluation Committee

Presentation by Michael Pendowski

Michael Pendowski shared information about how changes made to the annual administrator evaluation survey questions and timeline have resulted in increased participation over the past three years. He shared the timeline for this year’s surveys on deans and department chairs/heads: January 21 an email will go out announcing the upcoming surveys. The surveys will go live on January 27 and all faculty and staff will receive notifications (if their dean or department head/chair) is being reviewed by this committee this year. There will be two reminders sent out – February 6 and 12 – and the surveys will close on February 17th . There was a suggestion that Pendowski request that Senators encourage their constituents to participate when receiving these surveys.

Academic Standards Committee

Presentation by Jaena Alabi

Jaena Alabi presented on behalf of Damion McIntosh, chair of the Academic Standards Committee, because he had a scheduling conflict. Revisions to the Undergraduate Examinations policy were shared.

New Business

There was a brief discussion of the Senate’s administrative support position. Although in recent years, this has been a half-time, TES position, it had previously been a full-time position (half for Senate and half for another office on campus).


Meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.


The Steering Committee acts on behalf of the AU Senate on matters requiring attention between meetings of that body and assists the chair of the Senate in setting the agenda for Senate meetings. In addition, it is concerned with the academic affairs of the University, with particular attention given to the need for developing and recommending policies under which these affairs are conducted. It works closely with other Senate committees to aid them in their assignments.