AU Steering Meeting


11/05/2024 | 107 Samford Hall | 3:30 PM

Meeting called to order by Chair, Lori Eckhardt at 3:32 p.m.

  • Minutes from October 8, 2024 Steering Committee Meeting were approved by unanimous consent.

  • Approval of the November 12, 2024 draft Senate Agenda.

Remarks and Announcements

AU Provost: Vini Nathan

  • Provost Nathan shared a preview of remarks and announcements that she and President Roberts will make at the November Senate meeting. President Roberts will share updates on the Board of Trustee’s upcoming meeting agenda. Provost Nathan will provide an update on the comprehensive analysis of faculty compensation, workload, and productivity. She will likely have a couple of other updates to share as well: Interim Dean for the College of Agriculture; Phi Beta Kappa; December graduation; and the announcement of a committee to refresh the faculty handbook.

Information Items

Endeavor, Electronic Research Administration (ERA) System Update

Presented by Martha Taylor, Assistant VP for Research and Scholarly Analytics

  • Martha Taylor provided an update on the continued roll out of modules in Endeavor. Several recommendations were made, including spelling out acronyms when first used, reminding faculty that they’re already using parts of Endeavor, and to clarify how this system will impact faculty members.

AU App Update

Presented by Marybeth Murphy, University Event Database Administrator, OCM

  • Marybeth Murphy shared information on the new centralized Auburn University App, which was debuted earlier this year in Camp War Eagle sessions. In addition to making it easy to access some of the most commonly used resources, the AU App also connects to other university apps, including campus safety, parking and transportation, and the new interactive, 3d campus wayfinding map, among others. OCM has shared the app with various student groups, Staff Council, and A&P Assembly, and would like to encourage faculty to download, use, and provide feedback on the app.

Action Items

Calendar and Schedule 2027-2028

Presented by Karen Battye, Registrar and Chair of the Calendar and Schedules Committee

  • There was a request to clarify dates on the calendar (they are numbered by class days, rather than day of the month), as well as a couple of questions. One question regarded starting the fall semester on Mondays while spring semester starts on Wednesdays; Battye noted that it’s not possible to get a full week for exams without breaking over a weekend if fall classes don’t begin on a Monday. Another question was about collaboration with the city schools, and Battye noted that the Auburn City School’s calendar hasn’t been posted for 2027-2028 yet, but that spring break is scheduled to align with when the city schools have previously held spring break.

Library Committee Report

Presented by Wesley Lindsey, Chair of the Library Committee

  • Wesley Lindsey shared information on the members of the Senate Library Committee, as well as the committee’s three functions: interfacing between library services and academic units, advocating for resources/services, and currently assisting with strategic planning.

Unfinished or New Business

  • There was a brief discussion of the need for productive engagement of senators during senate meetings.


Meeting adjourned at 4:45 p.m. by Chair Lori Eckhardt.







Lori Eckhardt


Jaena Alabi


Virginia Davis


Rachel Prado


Lisa Kensler

Immediate Past-Chair

Vini Nathan


J. Brian Anderson

Presidential Appointee

Special Guests

Special Guests



Karren Battye

Registrar and Chair of the Calendar and Schedules Committee

Charles (Chuck) Hunt

Director of Enterprise System Support and Business Modernization Program Director

Wesley Lindsey

Chair of the Library Committee

Martha Taylor

Assistant VP for Research and Scholarly Analytics

Silvia Quintero Naranjo

Director ERA and Research Analytics

Marybeth Murphy

University Event Database Administrator, OCM

Kionna Coleman

Executive Director, Strategic Communications & Marketing Operations

Laura Kloberg

Administrative Assistant

Allison Batts

Senate Parliamentarian

Norman Godwin

Associate Provost for Faculty Affairs





L. Octavia Tripp

Rules Appointee

Tom Leathem

Presidential Appointee

Andrew Pendola

Rules Appointee


The Steering Committee acts on behalf of the AU Senate on matters requiring attention between meetings of that body and assists the chair of the Senate in setting the agenda for Senate meetings. In addition, it is concerned with the academic affairs of the University, with particular attention given to the need for developing and recommending policies under which these affairs are conducted. It works closely with other Senate committees to aid them in their assignments.