AU Steering Meeting


10/08/2024 | 107 Samford Hall | 3:30 PM

Meeting called to order by Senate Chair, Lori Eckhardt.

  • Minutes from September 10, 2024 Steering Committee Meeting were approved by unanimous consent.

  • Approval of the October 15, 2024 draft Senate Agenda.

Remarks and Announcements

AU Provost: Vini Nathan

  • Provost Nathan stated that at the next Senate meeting, she would share updates on the searches for the interim and permanent Dean of the College of Agriculture. There may also be an update on the Mission Enhancement Fund proposals. President will give updates – Oct 1 is new budget year, may have data regarding endowment.

Information Items

Facilities Update

Presented by Jim Carroll, Vice President of Facilities Management

  • Jim Carroll shared updates on a number of campus construction projects. Carroll also shared a couple of operational updates as well.

Business Modernization Plan

Presented by Charles (Chuck) Hunt, Director of Enterprise System Support and Business Modernization Program Director

  • Chuck Hunt shared information on the business modernization program, which is aimed at improving technology and business operations for that will provide a better experience for Auburn students, faculty, and staff.

Action Items

Vote on DEI Committee Proposal to Change Name and Charge

  • There was a request to include a mark up of the language from the faculty handbook with the proposed changes. This information has been added to the presentation slides and will be posted with the October Senate meeting agenda.

Voting for Senate Committees

Presented by Jaena Alabi, Secretary

  • Jaena Alabi shared that the Rules Committee has approved a nomination to fill a vacancy on the Faculty Handbook Review Committee. This nomination will be voted on at the October Senate meeting.

Unfinished or New Business

Senate Website Redesign

  • Alabi announced that the senate website is currently undergoing a re-design and the Executive Committee would like to get feedback from all who use the site. Prado has created a survey to solicit information – such as what information people tend to look for on the senate website, what they have trouble finding, and what content they’d find helpful. There was some discussion about how best to distribute the survey, and it was decided that it should go out to all faculty (not just to Senators), as well as through the other shared governance groups.

Overview of Fall University Faculty Meeting

  • Eckhardt shared the agenda for the Fall 2024 University Faculty Meeting, which is scheduled for October 22nd at 3:30 p.m. on zoom ( In addition to an update from the Office of the Senior Vice President for Research & Economic Development, there will be a presentation on the university’s budget.


Meeting adjourned at 4:38 p.m. by Senate Chair Lori Eckhardt.







Lori Eckhardt


Jaena Alabi


Virginia Davis


Rachel Prado


Lisa Kensler

Immediate Past-Chair

Vini Nathan


Andrew Pendola

Rules Appointee

J. Brian Anderson

Presidential Appointee

L. Octavia Tripp

Rules Appointee

Tom Leathem

Presidential Appointee

Special Guests

Special Guests



Jim Carroll

Vice President of Facilities Management

Charles (Chuck) Hunt

Director of Enterprise System Support and Business Modernization Program Director

Allison Batts

Senate Parliamentarian

Laura Kloberg

Administrative Assistant

Christina Wassenaar

Executive Committee Member, University of South Alabama’s Faculty Senate

Bret Webb

Executive Committee Member, University of South Alabama’s Faculty Senate

Donna Streeter

Executive Committee Member, University of South Alabama’s Faculty Senate





The Steering Committee acts on behalf of the AU Senate on matters requiring attention between meetings of that body and assists the chair of the Senate in setting the agenda for Senate meetings. In addition, it is concerned with the academic affairs of the University, with particular attention given to the need for developing and recommending policies under which these affairs are conducted. It works closely with other Senate committees to aid them in their assignments.